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04/28/2002 - 05/04/2002
05/19/2002 - 05/25/2002


My Inner Turmoil

I suppose there's something to be said for events which inspire one to Make Art, but April hasn't been one of my better months inspirationally.

It's been fraught with disillusionment and misery, while a character's integrity and very being was compromised in favor of product. An illbegotten precedent was allowed to flourish, thus tainting a character and the man behind it.

If there is a lesson to be learned, it is that there is a danger when a character's actions are allowed to be given entirely to someone who only had control of the aesthetics while others held the character's ethics carefully intact. When the essentials are missed - be it by uncaring writers or unseeing actors, damage is done on many levels. The thing is, I thought it was obvious. Especially after last year's assorted online discussions. After all, not everybody views things on a superficial level, least of all someone who has been granted control.

Waves of extreme emotion have besieged me for weeks, and I am caught between an image which has kept me safe and alive for over 20 months, concern for a character who has been a sort of best friend to me, and respect for a man whom I thought was more perceptive and in touch with the fans which now has deep fractures in its foundation. Attracting attention because of this is NOT the way would have I wanted to make my presence known, and that has been an overhwelming source of despair for me.

The temptation for something which I waited a year for with suppressed anticipation is still great, because I have been programmed to be drawn to the aesthetics out of deprivation (I assume this is because of the lack of closure in the series).

And so we have the meaning behind the reworking of this card. The original version symbolizes materialism and the danger of giving in to temptation. This version is not too far off, again on many levels.

  posted by ? @ 4/30/2002 12:57:35 PM
(remember to remove NOSPAM from address)
