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09/30/2001 - 10/06/2001
10/07/2001 - 10/13/2001
10/14/2001 - 10/20/2001
10/21/2001 - 10/27/2001
10/28/2001 - 11/03/2001
11/04/2001 - 11/10/2001
11/11/2001 - 11/17/2001
11/18/2001 - 11/24/2001
11/25/2001 - 12/01/2001
12/02/2001 - 12/08/2001
12/09/2001 - 12/15/2001
01/06/2002 - 01/12/2002
03/10/2002 - 03/16/2002
03/24/2002 - 03/30/2002
04/07/2002 - 04/13/2002
04/28/2002 - 05/04/2002
05/19/2002 - 05/25/2002

Let me tell you the real reason I left the
Marvel Zombie Society APA

They were uncivilized, barefoot, inbred rednecks.

The self-identified enlightened CM of the group refused to revise parts of the Apa's constitution to be his/her or their to accommodate both sexes. Meanwhile another one of the kids in it was going through that everything-is-sex-and-boobs phase, and his zines became unwatchable. It was just not the place for someone whose sensibilities existed beyond the Dark Ages.

What prompts this is an amusing thing which I happened upon in the voting booth last week:

State Proposal 1
Shall the proposed amendment making the Constitution gender-neutral, by revising references to the masculine form to include either an additional feminine reference or to replace the masculine form of the term with a gender neutral term be approved?

54% YES
46% NO

Let me guess: the men voted "No" and the women voted "Yes"?

  posted by ? @ 11/14/2001 04:40:22 PM
(remember to remove NOSPAM from address)

Do you know what they're selling in Walgreen's? Animatronic mannekins of James Brown.

  posted by ? @ 11/13/2001 12:35:19 PM
(remember to remove NOSPAM from address)


Commuter Rage

The fucking bus took fucking forever to get to the fucking bus stop. Then the fucking driver stopped in the middle of the block and opened his window, not just to tell a westbound bus to turn on the radio about the crash in the Rockaways, but to have a chit chat about it. About three minutes later I came to the front of the bus and asked if he was going to go. He gives me this holier than thou look, like he has a fucking right to hold up traffic and jeopardize my job. Then this old lady bursts out that she's going to the Rockaways as though I'm a bad guy and I should have sympathy. Like I should have sympathy for a fucking loafing busdriver? I wish I had the sense to tell her right then and there that if she needed to get to the Rockaways to help, she wouldn't get there this week on this fucking bus. So although my hip hurt, and although I left way early enough to come by bus without climbing three fucking flights of stairs to the number seven train, I left the bus two blocks from where I got on and walked another block to the station. It was 10:15am est and he was riding bus 557. He'd better not cross my path again lemme tell you... fucking stupid busdriver...

  posted by ? @ 11/12/2001 09:14:34 PM
(remember to remove NOSPAM from address)
