The Exploding Chicken  

Buk! Buk! Bawwwk BOOM!

Linka Dinka Doo

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Incoherence from Beyond
the Black Stump

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Under Deconstruction


« × Blog×Philes × »


09/30/2001 - 10/06/2001
10/07/2001 - 10/13/2001
10/14/2001 - 10/20/2001
10/21/2001 - 10/27/2001
10/28/2001 - 11/03/2001
11/04/2001 - 11/10/2001
11/11/2001 - 11/17/2001
11/18/2001 - 11/24/2001
11/25/2001 - 12/01/2001
12/02/2001 - 12/08/2001
12/09/2001 - 12/15/2001
01/06/2002 - 01/12/2002
03/10/2002 - 03/16/2002
03/24/2002 - 03/30/2002
04/07/2002 - 04/13/2002
04/28/2002 - 05/04/2002
05/19/2002 - 05/25/2002

Okay well, I haven't had much time to do it.

I work again, I'm visiting my friend at phys rehab on Saturdays and my parents on Sundays, squeezing in Ebay selling (which reimburses me for the boxes of cards I get to come closer to complete my sets) and writing my book and drawing and... and becoming disillusioned (jeez and I thought I had all the safeties in place to prevent that last one).

Hm I smell a rant coming on...

  posted by ? @ 4/10/2002 12:23:49 PM
(remember to remove NOSPAM from address)
