
It's Only a Bloody Game · part 2

I cannot understand why many absolutely insist on badgering me with a/s/l! Why isn't it clear the first time I say "I'm here to play, not get picked up"? Why do they feel it's their right to deem it a requirement to avoid hostilities?

Because saying "we don't need to know your age or sex; if you can spell and keep it clean, it's okay with us" for some reason is a reason for a tantrum instead of an open invitation to nonsegregation. In fact, it often leads to my allegedly being gay or something.

I think it's pretty sad when a game cannot be a game, and sex cannot be left offline with genuine encounters where it belongs. When a depraved group dictates that online encounters are mandatory, that's when the lunatics have truly taken over the asylum.

Just because they're pathetic loser deviants with social inadequacies doesn't mean I have to be. Most of them are jailbait anyway.

a/s/l-ers make my skin crawl.

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