
Life Under a Rock

A clean slate, a new room, nice folk, and fun. This is how Acrophobia should be.

In my searches, I considered Memory Lane. But not long into it, my objection to the derogatory use of "queer" used in said context got an angry snap by a regular (analysis: guilty of bigotry and unable to face her own actions in the face of an illusory - and highly unrealistic - bias-free self image). I told her I worked with and knew many people who died. THAT shut her up.

The next night - for some reason - after a combo-couple player left the room, some kid concluded that they had to be gay "because they sleep together." "Gee," I said, "My parents sleep together and THEY'RE not gay." I added about one composition phase later in Seinfeldesque fashion: "...not that there's anything WRONG with being gay if they ARE..." Almost immediately I got an accusatory message from that same person, accusing me of "being obsessed with gays."

Say WHAT???

I replied back: "Am I?" "Or are you just homophobic?"

Touché ... I heard nothing further from her.

I don't think I'm going back there. It's not my kind of people. If some character in some backwoods decides what people with whom they have no personal contact with should do in their own homes, then something is seriously wrong.

I work in media. I know all sorts of people with all sorts of orientations and faiths. So long as involved parties consent and nobody else is disturbed and there is no damage done to others or others' property, it's really not anyone else's business what they do. Just like it's not their business what YOU do.

Say for example you sleep with pajamas with duckies all over them. If you were to walk into work one morning and find your job jeopardised because it was learned you slept in pajamas with duckies all over them, wouldn't you find that unjust and a poor means to judge you for your job performance?

Okay, just checking...

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