
I've been reading on the train. Since I write these memoirs on while commuting, the spot has been preempted.

Acroing was sparse over this past weekend in favour of chat. Sometimes you need a break. Unfortunately, that left a couple of players floundering for a decent room. Tonga is still fledgeling, and there aren't enough dedicated regulars to ensure that a handful will automatically converge on any given evening of their own accord. Until that happens, no homepage, no team, and no house rules can be recognised by the Acro Community.

I will continue to fight to make our room the ONE place decent and literate people can run to for both good clean fun AND cerebral challenge, while at the same time not becoming snobby and aloof like a few other literate rooms I've visited, or stagnant separatists who attack unassuming nonregulars. I shall always extend a friendly hand to anyone sincere who can enhance our gaming experience.

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