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October 25, 2002

The most evil person I have ever known in all my life has a blog. If I appear to use strong language, please keep in mind that none of it is strong enough for this topic.

Her favorite joke goes like this: "What's the useless skin on the end of a penis?" If you didn't hear it the other ten thousand times she's said it in mixed company or written it in some amateur article, she will proudly reveal the answer to be a man. She is the biggest reason anyone should be ashamed to be a feminist. A swing of the pendulum and a tyrant that gives all womandom a bad name. [more]

DD 1:11pm EST on Friday, Oct 25, 2002

October 24, 2002

A very funny website

The Sci-Fi Colony situation was handled pathetically. First, the only one to come forward was an adult woman who ran a foster home. Instilled with a sense of responsibility, she admitted that she had planned to mute out Kitttty for three minutes but handled the controls wrong. She apologized to Kitttty and apology was accepted. The rest had no remorse and were irritated that their game had hit a bump in the road. Still that "you're in my light" attitude. Trotting out one official wasn't going to redeem the rest of them.

If they had been promptly suspended pending an investigation, I am certain nobody would have left. They'e still laying their stupid game while a noticeable chunk of the colony is missing...

There were fluctuations on our new block map, which was to be expected. What I didn't expect was for Arbo and his girlfriend to leave. On Sunday evening, Jerk came Arbo's to what amounted to was psychological harrassment. As though the idiot wasn't already in enough hot water. Monday evening I answered many questions about Arbo's performance record as my new Neighborhood Leader considered his application as my Block Deputy. Arbo has two teenage sons, one of whom had been banned at the Flea Market. So long as the bans were by nickname and not connection, things were ok. He was cleared.

What wasn't apparent until a few minutes later when I contacted him was that he still had administrative access to many blocks in our old neighborhood. "I want to keep these until the NL gets back." I said that we'd have to hold off on giving him the status until he released himself from the other neighborhood (not like he hadn't told that to countless BLs himself). He was apparently looking at our old hood blocks, at what the teen ND was left with on his own, said something about trashing the blocks. That scared me. He was saying malicious and vengeful things. I told him there was no point reducing ourselves to their level; we had a new home and wonderful, attentive staff. He told me to chill (he never used that term with me before) and that he would never do those things. Well, he never spoke that way before, either. I went to see the season premiere of Boston Public. I didn't notice until the next morning that he and his girlfriend left without a word - to a Christian block in Inner Realms.

Long time readers of my journals don't have to ask what went on in my mind from that revelation.

By Wednesday morning, there was not a soul on the old Voyager block. I took a screenshot for posterity. Other than meeting a friend or two in their homes or advertising an event on their colony board, I have no desire to set foot in there ever again.

DD 3:54pm EST on Thursday, Oct 24, 2002

October 23, 2002

We were told in Cybertown by our colony leader - let's call him Loser - that there was a colony meeting on Friday 18 October at 7pm City Time (Eastern US). This is a big todo for us. We never get this request. His post sounded serious, particularly in light of the fact that a new colony had been brought online and it threatened the future of the others (I'll go into why another time).

People canceled dates, left work early, stayed up late (in the Western Hemisphere), etc, all to attend this important meeting. 50 showed up.

It was a proud moment: standing on the bridge span looking over Sci-Fi Plaza and the many other 3D people I'd come to know and work with. Beside me, Arbo my superior, a Neighborhood Deputy who practically ran UFOs as a leader, wore his Chakotay avatar. On the other side was the reformed Rattro who was dressed as Captain Janeway. Aliens, humans, objects, animals... all got together in this who's who out of an old Nexus comic book.


DD 1:00pm EST on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002

October 21, 2002

Japanese Girl vs Playboy

I caught the mouse last night.

Jeez it was a small thing, wriggling in a glue trap. Thank goodness it wasn't squeaking or it would have driven me nuts.

I managed to get the nerve to put the trap into a plastic bag and chuck it (tied) down the chute in the hallway. My stomach was turning, but somehow I survived. I replaced the trap and added more. I want to be super careful.

Then, when I went to sit down, this - THING - was crawling up my wall. It must have been about 3 inches long, a cross between a silverfish and centipede. Brown. I looked everywhere for my camera, but by then it had made it to the ceiling and then dropped behind the desk somewhere. (I don't think it liked the lights I turned on to set my aperture and shutter speed)

What the hell WAS it???!!!


DD 12:37pm EST on Monday, Oct 21, 2002

Let's Be Friends

Old Clawfoot has the DT's again.

One of the entrances to the Roosevelt Avenue - Jackson Heights subway station takes you down a flight of stairs between stores. There are stores below ground as well: a cheesy gift shop, a dry cleaners, and an ice cream / florist shop. The latter is beyond me, since it has to be THE most unappetizing place to put food.

Sitting on a stool at the end of a row of potted bamboo is Clawfoot.

I'm not sure what race he is - I assume Indian or Pakistani, since those two nationalities dominate that area of the neighborhood. He's got dark skin but not African features. More Middle Eastern towards Indian penninsula. Light silver hair and beard.

Sometimes he sits on the stool. Sometimes he sits shaking. Sometimes he sits on his hands, trying not to shake. On good days, he sits calmly, one leg crossed over the other, bare foot filthy and showing off curved, blunted claws. If it weren't for the latter, I'd have assumed he had Parkinsons.

DD 12:32pm EST on Monday, Oct 21, 2002

  ©DD. I know who I am, and you know who you are, and you're not me, so don't use something of mine unless I say it's okay. I made the graphics from scratch, and the web elements with a simple text editor. Being the nature of this is a personal journal, there's really no room for argument. Either you agree or disagree, either you choose to read this or you do not. Each of us has our story, the impact of the sum of parts that is life which carve the lessons into our mind. If my perceptions amuse you, then I've done my part. Thank you for visiting and continuing to visit.