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September 12, 2003


Wednesday I jotted this down:

It's my week 4 podiatrist night (scuze, Walter Mercado is on their Telly. His prediction sequences are looking more slick, with a nice set and fancy multiple camera treatment. He looks like someone's grandmother. Yes, it's Latindom's lovable astrological queen...).

This was a harrowing week. I suppose he meant to do me a favor by minimizing the cast to just above the heel in height and exposing the toes more (and not splinting the 2nd & 3rd after they got strained from the limitation. The result was sort of disastrous. The bandage bunched up beneath the arch and the edge under the toes slide back to be a bump beneath the region of the fracture. Argh!

Several times a yanking session to pull the edge of the bandage forward while risk the back coming off the heel. We can't do this.

Also this past week the hip has NOT been good.Already stiff from curtailing key exercises, new heights (or lows) were reached when I had to walk funny last week with plastic bags on my foot during commute to avoid rain. Since then, I've been screwed up and in pain with a mega-sciattica streak. It's not until well into the day that I can sit without pain. Monday my physical therapist gave me some funky sort of accupressure thing, then manatory muscle stim while positioned strategically with wedges of foam. I can't wait for this foot thing to be over.

The other doc was there. I was due for another XRay; it didn't hurt this time to lightly step on it to walk to the funny box. My foot will have other issues to contend with once this bone thing is over; that post-rash is peeling on the top of my foot, and one toe beneath has developed athlete's foot (probably from being in plastic for an hour at a time on humid days). He stuck an adhesive thing to raise that area of the foot and prevent pressure on the fractious part, but it's possible some of the sticky went through the inner sock and is touching my sole. Not good since I have sensitive skin. I refuse band-aids after blood tests. Wow it's a different adventure this week, isn't it?

DD 12:39pm EST on Friday, Sep 12, 2003

September 11, 2003

Yes, I'm just brimming with derogatory terminology, aren't I?

In my mind, I often have special names for special people who touch my life. On these grounds, the above word is apropos. I should mention up front that I have neither met nor seen this person. I actually have a hunch as to his possible nationality, but without any accompanying sound file, there's no point getting into why.

If I leave the office on time, the next train which pulls into the station for me will be his. Why this man has a job which requires public speaking I'll never know. It's a problem train. When I used to ride the first car, the motorman would light up while we rode under the East River (aka about 8 minutes) and choke the hell out of me. However, our special friend is not the motorman. He is the conductor. [more]

DD 1:18pm EST on Thursday, Sep 11, 2003

September 10, 2003

New York: Where Dreams Come True

Yesterday on the train, there was a bottle blonde sitting opposite me who was reading a paperback book entitled: "Techniques to Come Up With Ideas." I kid you not.

DD 1:03pm EST on Wednesday, Sep 10, 2003

September 8, 2003

Sunday at the Buck an Ear Diner

Mom showed a subtle sign of progress. She actually didn't want us to leave the ward. Maybe she's getting tired of hanging with slurring slobbering zombies. She lost her wedding ring and it's finally hit dad that maybe he can't expect her to get well enough. It's either going to be 24-hour ppl or a home. I truly wish I could feel intense about it, but as I see it I never had a real mother. I feel more supportive for him over the ordeal.

After the visit we decided to deviate from our known faves and went to a diner in Astoria. Shortly after we arrived there came the gradual filing in to tables of families or groups of ladies, all in their Sunday finest. The old black women wore white dresses and large, wide brim white hats (hey I thought Easter came once a year. okay maybe this is normal for their culture).

At one point, Dad not-very-subtly leaned to me and said in what he thought was a low voice: "there are no white people here." I dunno. There was one of those large families in the middle of the place when we arrived, taking up several grouped tables and sporting two irritatingly hyperactive kids. They were white. And thank goodness they were gone. HEH! And somewhere to the side in a booth were two white women chatting. okay maybe it wasn't English but that's ok. I looked around 180 degrees and thought well other than the fact that some church let out and people were hanging, there was a great diversity. If it mattered, I suppose we were the white ones in the scenario. It took me over two years to realize in HS of Art & Design that my favorite lunch buddies were black. So? Hey decent people come in any color. I'll take these nice folk over that loud family with the sugar-charged kids any day.

DD 1:32pm EST on Monday, Sep 8, 2003

  ©DD. I know who I am, and you know who you are, and you're not me, so don't use something of mine unless I say it's okay. I made the graphics from scratch, and the web elements with a simple text editor. Being the nature of this is a personal journal, there's really no room for argument. Either you agree or disagree, either you choose to read this or you do not. Each of us has our story, the impact of the sum of parts that is life which carve the lessons into our mind. If my perceptions amuse you, then I've done my part. Thank you for visiting and continuing to visit.