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Thursday, 05/27/2004 Entry: "Tuesday: Is this The Day From Hell?"

Tuesday: Is this The Day From Hell?

Back as an ND in Cybertown to help a friend out.

Working on message board designs for some blocks and preparing ads to promote them. I'm finally able to implement the promotional plan squelched in Formal Paths.

Well, I could if only for some rednecks in the Employment Office. The current staff in place are deleting hood and block invites, and stating they are job offers.

To add insult to injury, in Oddy the district leader decided to compensate for the size of his dick to a newbie by showing off how he could put them in access on my block. He did this while I slept and without checking with me first. I am perhaps the last person in all of Oddy - nay, all of virtual communitydom - he should try that with. The district deputy in charge of my neigborhood was furious as well. The stranger went off access. Well, she (he?) never replied to my welcome note and hasn't been on since Friday night. They wouldn't even be considered with that behavior.

Hmmm... I lost my Metrocard this morning due to a surprise hole in the pocket of new capris. Thank goodness nothing debilitating was lost - like my bank card. Now we're being held two stops from the office station. On Friday there was a train ahead of us with mechanical difficulties. They're using the same excuse now on our train, only there's cops everywhere. I wonder if I should just go home.

*** later on the commute home ***

Well, it certainly was a mixed day. In addition to being late, my morning duties were further disrupted by a fire drill. I was in the bathroom when it went off, with strobes flashing in the Ladies Room. When I emerged to join the gathering by the elevators, I commented how if we had any epileptics on hand we'd be in trouble. My supervisor pooh-poohed it like I was just saying something eccentric (I swear if we went to school together, she'd have cliqued with the primadonas and ridiculed people like me), but the firedude coordinating the drill responded seriously in agreement and explained that the strobes were for the deaf. Hey, don't mess with one of the designated fire wardens *raises hand.

Supervisor left shortly before noon, at which time Tim jumped on a table and started to dance.

Lunch was spent tracking down a sweat jacket. Man it must be in the 50s in the office!

Elated co-worker does the "our boss left early" table dance

  ©DD. I know who I am, and you know who you are, and you're not me, so don't use something of mine unless I say it's okay. I made the graphics from scratch, and the web elements with a simple text editor. Being the nature of this is a personal journal, there's really no room for argument. Either you agree or disagree, either you choose to read this or you do not. Each of us has our story, the impact of the sum of parts that is life which carve the lessons into our mind. If my perceptions amuse you, then I've done my part. Thank you for visiting and continuing to visit.