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Monday, 09/09/2002 Entry: "The Uglier Side of Cybertown"

The Uglier Side of Cybertown

About three weeks ago, I ran into the negative aspect of Cybertown: the merch scalpers.

Around here, a scalper is someone who is tipped off early when tickets for an event go on sale, and they're at the front of the massive line, buying up the good seats to resell at ridiculous prices. Although this is illegal, the practice is not competently enforced. If you want to attend a concert where you sit close enough that the performer's lips are in sync with what's coming out of the speakers, it'll cost you three figures.

Back to that night weeks back. I was skimming the mall shops, when I ran into one with about 60 people in it. Usually there's about one or two at a time in a store on the average. I thought judging by the names that I was getting the main mall chat in a store box, when one of them told me to go into 2D mode. Leaving my holographic self behind, I joined the chatters to learn that I had run into a mall drop. They were following the Mall Deputy around as she removed old items and added new ones. Apparently during this process, she alone can be 3D in a room, otherwise her PC crashes.

They were the merch scalpers, who buy up everything halfway decent and sell them for sick prices in the Flea Market. They call themselves Fleabies. I think they're just a mob of fleas. They and their friends make limited runs of things for 10cc, join these drops to buy the items out, then run to the Flea Market and sell them for 5,000 cc's. In one case, something I wanted went from 10ccs in the store to 50,000 cc's in the Flea. And they are the rudest bunch you've ever seen, acting like they own the place, bossing the Mall Deputy around, thinking they're actually FUNNY. Nasty things. Snerts who call people snerts.

And thanks to them, I have been unable to get spiritual articles, because they buy them out and reprice them too. Of course that's against the rules of ethics in the true magickal community, so they're bound to get repercussions in their real lives for their actions.

Apparently, this was a particularly vicious night, because announced drops stopped after that. It was also the night before I uploaded my first VRML canvas painting, Rogue Mermaid. It's the mermaid on my DDGalleries website, and a couple of days later I submitted a photo I call "Sunset Sea." I plan to link to an art gallery I set up in town apart from my home. Just want to make a few adjustments to and put up a Cybertown site before making it public.

Next: Did the Doctor finally get a wacko stalker?

  ©DD. I know who I am, and you know who you are, and you're not me, so don't use something of mine unless I say it's okay. I made the graphics from scratch, and the web elements with a simple text editor. Being the nature of this is a personal journal, there's really no room for argument. Either you agree or disagree, either you choose to read this or you do not. Each of us has our story, the impact of the sum of parts that is life which carve the lessons into our mind. If my perceptions amuse you, then I've done my part. Thank you for visiting and continuing to visit.