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Monday, 07/01/2002 Entry: "We All Stood Still - pt 1"

We All Stood Still - pt 1

High School reunions are funny things. I don't know whether our was normal, because my high school wasn't normal. Traumatized outcasts with artistic potential were accepted (rescued) from all over the New York City limits, escaping their dreaded zoned school to learn with other outcasts in a modern building on the swanky Eastside of Manhattan, cattycorner from a Rolls Royce showroom. The rapport among such souls was unheard of in any public school.
I remember the auditions well. I was fourteen I think, and I went by subway with my friend Renay. It was the first time I rode the train without a parent or grandparent, and we erroneously sat in the last car of an E train. I don't know what it was about the trains then, but we came to learn that day that the last car of that line was bad news. Some old Black guy was carrying on with himself, ranting and raving. We tried not to notice, because eye contact usually incites the loonies. But that didn't matter. I turned and there he was, with half his teeth missing and yelling at me, shaking his umbrella like he wanted to crack it over either of our skulls. We ran into the next car as fast as we could. The actual auditions involved a questionaire and drawing requests, while one's sample art (we came with large manilla envelopes with our names on them) was scrutinized by teachers in the back of the room. I remember being so nervous that for the draw anything finale, I made a tiger with a lionesque tuft at the end of its tail. I realized this on the way home and cursed myself. Needless to say, we both were accepted...

My parents received a postal letter from someone at A&D who was planning a reunion. I remembered her as "that quiet chick who drew horses." Here she was, single-handedly planning a reunion for us. I forwarded the questionaire by Email and snail to various friends who had relocated since their addresses as students. I believe most of us selected Saturday lunch for an ideal time, but we were apparently in the minority. Add to that the big idea to hold the event in an Italian restaurant. I don't understand why anyone expecting a diverse group to attend would pick a single type of food. For me, it was the quadruple threat: I get reactions from vinegar, tomato, dairy, and yeast, thus striking me out - and yes I miss pizza. Any observant Jews would be reluctant with the cheese, butter, and meat mixed together. Oh well. She offered to let me come without paying since I couldn't eat what was on the menu; I guess my attendance was that much desired.

So here I was, meeting the same friend I attended auditions with. We hadn't seen eachother in over twelve years, but Renay hadn't changed a enough to warrant any angst; I spotted her immediately on the platform at my stop.

  ©DD. I know who I am, and you know who you are, and you're not me, so don't use something of mine unless I say it's okay. I made the graphics from scratch, and the web elements with a simple text editor. Being the nature of this is a personal journal, there's really no room for argument. Either you agree or disagree, either you choose to read this or you do not. Each of us has our story, the impact of the sum of parts that is life which carve the lessons into our mind. If my perceptions amuse you, then I've done my part. Thank you for visiting and continuing to visit.